Hill Walking Downloads

Various Navigation and Avalanche Risk Aids

This document is 8 sheets of A4 that you can print off. The first 7 sheets are designed to be printed onto paper and then laminated in credit card sized wallets and then referred to on the hill side. They are different designs showing information on timings, magnetic variation and angle of slope. Generally we print them off with different complementary designs on different sides. One of these designs is for printing out double sided and trimming down very small for affixing to your compass string.

The eighth page we print onto acetate and then laminate in a credit card sized pouch to enable us to make our own avalanche risk roses. We use these when in areas not covered by the Scottish Avalanche Information Service (SAIS) or when we don’t have internet access for a number of days. We then compare our results and argue for hours about who is right.


 Various Navigation and Avalanche Risk Aids